Inspiration, Principles 26 Feb 2020 Commonwealth of the Avocado Written by Matthew Wilson “Everybody gets 4 slices of avocado”, declared my 9-year old son. Every family has its own… Rainmaker
Inspiration 10 Sep 2019 I was a stranger and you welcomed me Written by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove On Saturday, June 29th, Antonio Medina Parra died at Duke Hospital. He was 63 years old—just two… Rainmaker
Acts of Sharing, Inspiration 29 May 2019 Lenten Immerse: Hospitality Can you think of a time when you received hospitality from someone? Maybe it was an expression of kindness, a… Bryan Gower
Inspiration, Principles, Stories 01 May 2019 A Thank You Note Common Change receives its fair share of thank you notes and we occasionally share them as a way to remind us… Rainmaker
Inspiration, Principles 17 Apr 2019 Giving, Receiving, & Vulnerability How do I know that a gift given will be used the right way is a question that we get… Rainmaker
Inspiration, Principles, Stories 14 Dec 2018 Neighborly Economics: A Way Towards the Exchange of Gifts by Peter Block In other times, our culture, our way of being with each other, the way we spend our days, were constructed… Rainmaker
Inspiration, Principles, Stories 11 Dec 2018 When the Safety Net Isn’t There We all want to believe there are social safety nets that will prevent our most vulnerable from falling through the… Rainmaker
Inspiration, Principles 12 Nov 2018 The Table of Collective Abundance You might know people like Charlie and June. They’re the ones who are always giving, always sharing, always opening their… Rainmaker
Inspiration, Principles 02 Nov 2018 Finding Relationships Beyond The Headlines Do you ever read the news or scan your social media feeds or even just step outside and feel the… Rainmaker