New Providence Community Church has partnered with Common Change to help people affected by Hurricane Irma. NPCC understands one of the tenets of the Christian faith, and of the Hebrew Scriptures is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” In fact, the Bible says, that command alone sums up the whole law. In other places, the Bible casts a vision for “bearing one another’s burdens” and “when one of us suffers all of us suffer with them.” Compassion is at the core of our humanity – after all, we are made in the image of a compassionate God. We are made to love and be loved, made in the image of Love itself. For God is Love.
Common Change has been building communities and social networks in the Bahamas and Cuba for many years, so we are ready to respond, as devastating as this storm is. But nothing is more powerful than love, not even a Category 5 hurricane.
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