We are thrilled to be launching Common Good. Our inaugural program is designed to provide radical thinking and imagination which can produce a particular way of working in communities that is grounded in sacred wisdom, honors the significance of gifts and place, is grounded in the need for an alternative economy and applies the structures of belonging. Dr. Walter Brueggemann, John McKnight and Peter Block are the curators and conversation partners for this first cohort.
Whether you come at this from a place of economics, neighbor building or faith, we hope Common Good helps orient you and your work in fresh, provocative, courageous ways. And most importantly, we hope this connects you with a network of colleagues that leaves you knowing that you are not crazy, alone or in need of more development. This means reclaiming the common good from the long divisive patterns of privatization and knowing what is best for others. This is about co-creating a common good.
Know someone who is committed to the commons, seeking to change the world, eliminate personal economic isolation? Nominate them to the Spring 2018 Fellows Program. http://commongood.cc/nomination-form/
To learn more, visit CommonGood.cc