How Do I Participate
Sign Up to Host a Dinner
Contribute a financial gift that you’re comfortable sharing (suggested amount $25-250).
with friends around food.
Bring A Story
Share a story about someone that you care about that might benefit from the common funds that were pooled together.
What Is This About
Relationships > Transactions
Maintain the primacy of relational connection in all giving and seek to dismantle the power dynamics entrenched in cross-socioeconomic resource sharing.
Abundance > Scarcity
Demonstrate an economy of enough in an economic context that has modeled scarcity, disparity and unjust distribution of wealth. Start with what we have between us.
Collaboration > Isolation
Honor and value all contributions and the wisdom of the group – whether money, expertise, experience, time, connections, opportunities, or suggestions.
People > Projects
Give in ways that always maintain the dignity of those receiving, honoring their privacy and personhood.
Sign Up to Host a Dinner
Remember to bring a dish to share, this is a potluck. Email your host if you have any questions.
Basic Living/Survival
A group in California helped an aged-out foster care student with food gift cards – but went further and took him shopping and taught him how to cook.
A group in California helped a single mom with phone bills to remain in contact with her kids while awaiting a heart transplant. On Dec 31 she received a new heart!
A 17 year-old Kenyan boy dropped out of school when his family could no longer afford school fees. A group paid for his last two years of schooling – and a member met with him regularly to mentor and encourage him.
Gap Grant
A group in Oklahoma helped a friend with living expenses while he launched a self-sustaining business.
Health Care
A D.C. group helped purchase a walker for a homeless friend. And celebrated Thanksgiving with him.
A group in Minnesota threw a party for a family living in a shelter – and a few months later helped pay the final costs on a Habitat for Humanity home for them.
Parental Support
Friends pooled their resources to help with final adoption costs – helping to build a beautiful family
Professional Expenses
Members in Virginia helped a friend with bankruptcy and legal fees – and spent hours with her giving financial advice and reworking her budget.
Self-Sustaining Initiative
A group in North Carolina helped a dad setup his own business after years in prison – months later they drew alongside him as he sent his daughter to college.
Two members in Philadelphia advocated for help for car repairs for a friend in kidney failure – and then went and got tested to see if they could donate their own kidneys to him.
These are not distant acts of charity; these are gifts of love from one friend to another.
We have created PDF resources to help bring forth thoughts, ideas, and conversation, as you gather with friends, around the table!